*Antoher 2 alternatives worth considering are Microsoft Office Lens and CamScanner

Use Scanbot to scan and upload your documents on your iPhone

Step 1: Scan the QR code to download Scanbot from Apple store
Step 2: Install Scanbot
Step 3: Click on "Agree"
Step 4: Click on "Continue without subscription""
Step 5: Click on "Skip"
Step 6: Click on "OK"
Step 7: Click on the circle to take a shot
Step 8: Click on "Save" after you took the shot
Step 9: Click on "Email as PDF"
Step 10: Input "info@haaa.com.au" and send the email to us

Use Scanbot to scan and upload your documents on Android phones

Step 1: Scan the QR code to download Scanbot from Google Play and install
Step 2: Click on "Continue"
Step 3: Click on "Continue"
Step 4: Click on "Continue"
Step 5: Click on "SKIP"
Step 6: Click on "SKIP"
Step 7: Click on "ALLOW"
Step 8: Click on "SAVE" after you took the shot
Step 9: Click on "Email"
Step 10: Input "info@haaa.com.au" to send the documents to us