Visiting one’s local GP, although seemingly satisfactory, may on its own not be enough. We’re not prejudiced against GP’s; they do a great job and are an absolute necessity. However, when it [...]
Lifestyle programs and activities in aged care are beneficial to residents for many reasons. They can help develop social relationships and in turn can improve psychological, emotional and mental [...]
…in particular with the elderly is a phenomenon that often results in a range of physical and mental health issues. In an article written by The Conversation and shown on ABC News, it states; [...]
No one likes it when they have to make the difficult decision to put a parent in care. Sometimes deteriorating health or advancing degenerative diseases make it impossible for the parent to [...]
Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is at the core of our overall well-being for seniors. Although, as we get older it can get harder to maintain a regular fitness regime. It is well [...]
When it comes to the elderly, there is a common thought that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, but this does not have to be the case. There are several fantastic and highly [...]
The wealthiest households in Australia are couples over 65, who have experienced a real increase in median net wealth of almost 70% since 2002, according to Australia’s largest and most [...]
Regular exercise in middle age is the best lifestyle change a person can make to prevent cognitive decline in their later years, a landmark 20-year study has found. Regular exercise in middle age [...]
There are many ways to stay on top of the ageing process and ensure both body and brain stay fit and healthy well into the latter stages of life. Follow the below tips and reap the rewards: [...]